Al-Ahram: “New Syria in the Making”

The opposition is preparing a de-facto government and have chosen a leader (prime minister) as they wait for Assad to go. The opposition’s previously divided 2 military and political groups have recently united under a National Coalition. There is also a new head of the opposition’s joint command which is for military organization and focuses on militarily overthrowing the incumbent president. It has the support of many foreign states. Opinion, however, is yet divided on the transitional government and its priorities. For example, the fact that it is physically unable to operate within Syria is being criticized.

The National Coalition can’t be a perfect Titanic from the get-go (metaphorically speaking – we all know how it ended for the Titanic). But, these are very important first steps, and I especially applaud the effort for unity. Hopefully a new Syria will be built from a united front within, rather than by outside powers.

Assad, your time is coming up.


photo courtesy of Dal-Lim Hwang

photo courtesy of Dal-Lim Hwang


My face says I’m Korean,
but my heart says I’m not –
My heart says I’m a Turk,
but my face says I’m not –
I come across as an American,
but my head says I’m not –
someday I’d like to say I’m Egyptian,
but everybody says I’m not –

I blend, I camouflage,
but really
I don’t.
is just one more day
in wandering, meandering, searching for
the likes of
but maybe,
I’m just




Ecclesiates 5:7

“Much dreaming and many words are meaningless. Therefore fear God.” – Ecclesiastes 5:7

“꿈 많고 말 많은 것도 허무할 뿐이다. 오직 너는 하나님을 경외하여라.” 전도서 5:7


가까운 곳의 행복,

롤모델 삼고 싶은 오빠로부터,

“하영아, 무엇보다 거기 있으면서 빠지기 쉬운 함정은 ‘너’를 위한 모험과 재미가 ‘남’에게 보이기 위한 ‘쇼’로 전락하는 것인 듯 하다.사실 난 언제부터인지 ‘인생이 영화같지 않으면 얼마나 재미가 없고 허무한가? 인생이 영화보다 더 박진감 넘치고 신나야지.’ 라고 생각했었다?

그런데말이야, 꼭 기승전결과 클라이막스가 있는 남이 보기에 재미있는 ‘쇼’로 억지로 자신의 인생을 각색할 필요는 없는 듯 하다. 순간 순간 너의 ‘행복’이 무엇인지, 너가 편안하고 즐거울 때가 무엇인지에 대해 솔직해지고, 그렇게 한걸음 한걸음 살아가는 것이, 삶의 참된 방향이리라 믿는다.

블로깅도 좋고, 자기 PR도 좋지만, 그에 앞서, 너의 가장 가까운 곳의 일상과 사람들에서 행복을 찾을 수 있기를 바란다. 그렇게 행복한 것이 오늘의 너의 모습이어야하고, 자고 일어난 내일의 너의 모습이어야하고, 죽기 직전 순간의 네모습이어야 하기 때문이지.

덧. 언어공부 열심히해라. 그리고 너가 언어를 배우는 주 목적이 무엇인지 잊지마.”


a walk by the Nile,Nov, 2012Copyright: Mary Hayoung Kim

a walk by the Nile,
Nov, 2012
Copyright: Mary Hayoung Kim

잊고 있었다, 다른 사람들과 비교만 하고 있었다.

맞아,  아랍어를 배우기로 결심한 이유는 아랍 사람들과 소통하기 위해서이고, 그들의 이야기를 듣고 싶어서이고, 마음을 사기 위해서다. 목적을 잊고 있었다. 내가 언어를 배우고 싶었던 이유는 단 하나: 의사소통.

내 삶이 누구한테 보여지기 위해 사는게 아니라, 진정 내 마음의 소망들을 풀어나가기 위해, 내가 행복하고 좋아하기에 그렇게 살고 싶다. 누가 뭐래도 내 자신에게 떳떳하고 자유로운 삶. 글을 쓰는 이유도 나를 위한 것이고, 공부 방향도 내 목적에 맞기 때문이고, 무엇을 하던 하나님이 내게 주신 달란트와 성향을 조합하며 최선을 다해 사는 것.

영화 같은 삶 보단 마음 속 깊은 곳에서 우려나는 행복이 얼굴 가득히 채우는 삶. 눈 뜨기 전, 눈 감기 전 행복하다고 고백하는 삶.

내게 필요했던 말.. 한 발짝 물러서서 조급하기 보단 목적을 다시금 마음에 새기고 남들과 비교하고 자책하기 보단 매 순간 즐기겠다고 다짐할 수 있게 하는 격려의 말.


내 일상의 행복,

햇빛 따뜻한 오후, 해질 무렵, 그리고 달 아래 나일 강가 산책,

길 거리에서 파는 1.5 파운드 군고구마,

쥬스 가계의 망고 수박 바나나 쥬스,

따자의 ‘씨시 타욱’, 라드완의 ‘멯씨 아이납 와라’, 예멘이 이이씨,

마음의 글이 술술 적히는 잠을 잊은 새벽 시간,

마치 내 주위 모든 사람들이 내 편이 된것 같은 순간 – like everyone’s-looking-out-for-me kind-of moments,

지하철 작은 꼬마들이 이름을 물어보고 환한 미소와 호기심으로 시작하는 대화,

바왑 아내와 주고 받는 몇 마디 안되는 대화에서 서로가 서로를 이해한 순간들,

집 앞에서 내 손을 잡고 엘레베이터 앞까지 바려다주는 바왑의 아들 신사 아흐마드,

친구들과 오페라 카폐에 앉아 거창하지도 않고 중요하지도 않지만 추워지는 밤 하늘 아래 나누는 사소한 얘기들,

웃음 그리고 의사소통,

별 것 아닌, 하지만 오늘 내일 내가 행복한 이유, 그리고 내가 더 열심히 언어를 배워야하는 이유.

오빠의 말을 마음 깊히 새겨두며..

Guns in Disneyland


Nablus, West Bank
Copright: Mary Hayoung Kim

In these parts of the world, visiting ‘Israel’ is like a taboo word so Laura told me her friend refers to it as ‘Disneyland.’ :) During Eid at the end of October, my friends and I visited ‘Disneyland’ where we noticed that guns are a favorite prevalent toy. As soldiers carrying guns are a familiar sight, it’s not unsurprising that kids want to play with theirs too.

According to UNRWA (the UN Reliefs and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees in the near Middle East), “Over 50 per cent of the population in Gaza is below 18 years of age. These are children who have been constantly exposed to violence. The additional severe military escalation that is currently ongoing will only add to their already-existing psychological trauma.”

I wonder what trauma, what thoughts, what heartbreaks, what fears these kids in the West Bank, in Gaza, in East and West Jerusalem have had to grow up with even if they have not been directly affected by the occupation or conflict – and how it has affected the way they look at the world.

Both sides lose loved ones. Both sides have children who shouldn’t have to pay the price, whose innocence should be guarded, who should not have to worry about ‘bad guys’ except for the ones in cartoons and bedtime stories, the ones that are no match for the heroes and always pay the price.

Unfortunately they learn from too young a age that reality – nor hero nor villain –  is neither black nor white, and endings are not always ‘and-they-lived-happily- ever-after’. The lesson of inequality, pain, and loss is too heavy of one to learn during childhood.



Nablus, West Bank
Copyright: Mary Hayoung Kim

These kids in the West Bank (Palestine) are growing up in the greatest unresolved conflict of modern history where ‘good guys’, ‘bad guys’, ‘fighting’ and ‘guns’ are unfortunately not just toys and games.



Hebron, West Bank
Copyright: Mary Hayoung Kim


In ‘Disneyland,’ all soldiers are armed. On the sherut from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv, we met a Palestinian father who had bought a toy gun for his young son as a present for Eid. In Hebron, we were startled by the sound of shots from the toy guns that little children were playing with. In Nablus, children were immersed in playing ‘good guy’, ‘bad guy’ waving around their black toys. In Ramallah, all toy shop windows attested to the toy’s popularity. Yes, guns are universal toys that boys play with during their childhood, but in the West Bank, it felt more ironic as it appeared reflective of the game that adults were playing, the one that children witness everyday.

Kids should be able to have a Disneyland without guns and violence and fighting. A magical land of peace, harmony, and co-existence, that plants a hope in them that whatever they dream or imagine can come true if they believe. Let’s give them a gun-free Disneyland. :)



Hebron, West Bank
Copyright: Mary Hayoung Kim


시와 사막

시와 사막

엄마는 나를 꿈쟁이라고 부른다. 그냥 내가 하고 싶은 일 평생하고 꿈 속에서 살면 안될까?

20대 현장에서 직접 뛰고 느끼고 가슴 뛰는 일을 하고 싶은 꿈, 

그 작은 설렘과 가슴뜀으로 조금 더 아름다운 세상을 만들고 싶은 꿈,

아픔이 있는 곳에 같이 아파하고 하나님의 사랑을 전하고 싶은 꿈,

부모님의 자랑, 하나님의 자랑이 되고픈 꿈, 

웃음과 감사 잃지 않고 주어진 시간 최선을 다해 살고 싶은 꿈, 

평생 사랑할 수 있는 남자 만나 아름다운 아내가 되고픈 꿈,

그리고 내 아이들에게 더 크고 예쁜 꿈들을 심어주고픈 꿈.

현실에 구속 받지 않고 험악한 세상 평생 꿈꾸며 살고프다.


“Islamiya”, Morsi supporters chant

Dec. 1, 2012 – Dokki, CAIRO, EGYPT – Morsi supporters chant “Islamiya,” and “Morsi,” and “Allah is the greatest” (الله أكبر).


DOKKI, CAIRODec. 1, 2012 Morsi supporters rally

Dec. 1, 2012
Morsi supporters rally

Their loud voices chant loyalty for Morsi. His face is on the posters they hold. They wave the red white black Egyptian flag, the same flag being waved proudly by anti-Morsi government protestors in Tahrir Square not too far away. After January 2011, Egyptians are now too well aware that they have a voice which can and should be heard. Fathers carry their children on their shoulders and mothers hold their child’s hand. Men, women, families. They walk because they want their Muslim identity to be reflected and protected by the newly drafted constitution and sharia law.

They shout,

“الشعب بؤير قرارات الرئيس”

“The people affect the decisions of the president”,  

“ندعم قرارات الرئيس

We support the president’s decisions,”

Rally groups began walking through the neighborhood from noon, and they kept coming – in other places as well, Morsi-government supporters gathered and took the metro to Dokki to walk towards Cairo University where the Muslim Brotherhood called for people to gather to show support for the president after the large anti-Morsi protests last weekend and yesterday.

Egypt’s united voice during the 2011 revolutions that toppled Mubarak’s reign is now split between the liberals and Islamists under President Morsi as the nation tries to draft a new constitution. Liberals are angry that Morsi has given himself “pharoanic” powers in a constitutional declaration (Nov. 22) and that the draft constitution was passed by an overwhelming Islamist majority without consideration for certain human rights and freedoms, while supporters of Morsi chant that his ‘qarar‘ was right. Morsi is trying to reassure the public that these powers are temporary until the new constitution is put in place – the referendum on the constitution will be voted upon soon. The president is currently unable to unite Muslims, liberals, and Christians to put Egypt on a stable path of working democracy.

A conversation with a Morsi-supporter on the street ends by his telling me, “There are only 3 things I want to tell you. Welcome to Egypt, welcome to Egypt, welcome to Egypt.” Welcome to new-born democracy.

If the 2011 revolution was the labor pains of democracy, fall 2012 is a frail incubator which holds the fragile new-born.

And democracy in its adolescence? It won’t be a smooth ride.


Mary Hayoung Kim

DOKKI, CAIRODec. 1, 2012 12:15 p.m.

Dec. 1, 2012 12:15 p.m.


DOKKI, CAIRODec. 1, 2012

          Dec. 1, 2012 “NOW WHAT?” reads the Egypt Independent’s headline news               Copyright: Mary Hayoung Kim


DOKKI, CAIRODec. 1, 2012Morsi supporters

Dec. 1, 2012
Morsi supporters walking downtown


DOKKI, CAIRODec. 1, 2012 4 p.m. Morsi supporters

Dec. 1, 2012 4 p.m.
Morsi supporters


DOKKI, CAIRODec 1, 2012 Morsi supporter and sonCopyright: Mary Hayoung Kim

Dec 1, 2012
Morsi supporter and son
Copyright: Mary Hayoung Kim


DOKKI, CAIRODec 1, 2012Morsi supporters out on streets

Dec 1, 2012
Morsi supporters out on streets


DOKKI, CAIRODec. 1, 2012the little boy holds a sign that reads, "SUPPORT THE PRESIDENT'S DECISIONS"

Dec. 1, 2012
                 the little boy holds a sign that reads, “WE SUPPORT THE PRESIDENT’S DECISIONS”                                                  Copyright: Mary Hayoung Kim


DOKKI, CAIRODec 1, 2012 5 p.m.Morsi supporters make their way to AU campus downtown

Dec 1, 2012 5 p.m.
Morsi supporters make their way to Cairo University campus downtown


465,000 Syrian refugees

Copright: UNHCR

Copright: UNHCR

Across the region, the number of Syrian refugees registered or awaiting to be is unfortunately now more than 465,000. Many families are telling us they are sedating their children during their terrifying flight, to keep them quiet and calm.

Take the time to read, hear, and watch our latest info on the situation, compiled on Storify:

©UNHCR / B. Sokol

In addition to the overflowing refugee camps in Turkey and Jordan, Egypt is also accepting Syrian refugees.

The children, what about the children..

November 27, 2012 Tahrir

CNN VIDEO: “Egypt drafts a new constitution” 

November 27th Tuesday

Late Tuesday afternoon, curiosity got the better of Nina and me as we began our stroll from Dokki past Opera towards Tahrir Square. On the bridge from Opera to downtown Tahrir, groups of people were gathered exchanging greetings, couples holding hands, small children in the arms of their parents – all walking towards Tahrir Square. It felt like one big family trip to the zoo rather than an atmosphere of violent clashes as portrayed by the media, although one person died from the protests on Tuesday.


downtown Tahrir
November 27, 2012


November 28th Wednesday

Modern Standard Arabic class with Ustaz Ibrahim:

Me: “Did you go to the protests yesterday?”

Ibrahim: “No. I stayed at home.”

Me: “But there were so many people in Tahrir Square. 200,000?”

Ibrahim: “There were more people at home.” :)


There is no united Egypt, and whenever the people (whether they be pro-Morsi or the liberal opposition) are disgruntled they head to Tahrir Square.

I wonder how Egyptians define citizenship.

What is democracy? What is leadership?

Oh the depths,

November 25, 2012from siwa to mars matrouhCopyright: Mary Hayoung Kim

November 25, 2012
from siwa to mars matrouh
Copyright: Mary Hayoung Kim

“Oh, the depths of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!”

-Romans 11:33

November 25, 2012from siwa to mars matrouh

November 25, 2012
from siwa to mars matrouh

“깊도다! 하나님의 부요와 지혜와 지식이여, 그분의 판단은 헤아릴 수 없으며 그분의 길은 찾아낼 수 없도다.”

-로마서 11:33