my Georgetown excursion

There is more to Georgetown than its infamous M street (known for good food and shopping). Its nooks and crannies are pretty sights to explore and see, especially in the fall. I love walks and I love autumn and I love exploring. What a great combination.

You can get to Georgetown by walking by the waterfront from the George Washington University campus. I walk out here occasionally just to enjoy the weather or see the sunset.

The houses themselves are fun to look at around Halloween.

The Tudor Place is a very old manor house with large gardens designed by William Thornton who also designed the Capitol building.

I love autumn because it has all of my favorite colors in one place.

It’s a big park where people bring their dogs to walk and children to play, and where you can meander through the mazes and acres of green grass.

You can’t be lonely if you have 1. music and 2. a camera and a 3. big smile. :)

I was astounded by the sheer size of the Oak Hill Cemetery. This tranquil place apparently holds around 18,000 graves and was established in 1849.

Random facts: This (left picture) is the grave of John Howard Payne, the composer of “Home, Sweet Home.” He died in 1852.

Staying too long in a cemetery gives me the hibby-jibby’s.

The Dumbarton House is known for its 18th and 19-th century furnishings.

The Mt. Zion cemetery is very small, even more so compared to Oak Hill Cemetery. This is where African Americans were buried before the Civil War. Segregation even after death. America’s come a long way I suppose if you consider that an African American is currently serving in the White House. But it’s still got a long ways to go.

I am so loving fall – it has to be my favorite season.

This excursion is … to be continued…