Burası Türkiye


“Turks police own London district amid rioting”

from Al Jazeera

This makes me smile. It reminds me of this one time when my mom, sister and I were in a taxi trying to make our way up from Tunalıhilmi to Çankaya, and the whole traffic from up to Cinnah Caddesi was stopped for minutes on end just to allow the procession of black government ministry cars. And my mom turns to the taxi driver and asks, “Bu nasıl olur?” (“how can this happen”) to which the taxi driver replies, “Burası Türkiye, herşey mumkün” (translation: “this is turkey, anything is possible”). Kudos for Turks for standing their ground and showing it’s possible to guard your shops, neighborhood, and strength.

“Our local shopkeeper refused to close. He said ‘we are Turkish’ as explanation” –> LOVE IT.